Recreational Soccer

Recreational Soccer

Recreational Soccer

Recreational Soccer teams play for fun and the love of the game and all players get roughly equal play time each game.   Players of all skill levels are encouraged to register.  

At the U6-8 age groups ($60), practices are Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-6:50pm.  Each practice ends with a scrimmage against another Blackhawk Soccer team.  There are no games on Saturdays and there is no traveling.

At the U10-15 age groups ($150 late), practices are Tuesday and Thursday evenings, times vary.  Games are held on Saturdays.  Some games are at home and some are away and require travel to fields in Amery, St. Croix Falls and Osceola among others.  

New this spring, we will be registering a U10 All-Girls recreational soccer team.  When registering U10 players, be sure to choose whether you prefer to be on the All-Girls team or a Co-ed team.   If demand for the All-girls team exceeds the number of spots available we may need to hold tryouts.  U12 and U15 teams will all be Co-ed this season.  

Classic Soccer

Classic Soccer

Classic Soccer

New this spring, we will be fielding one U10 boys competitive soccer team.  We play with WYSA's Northwest Classic League against skilled club teams like Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls and Rice Lake among others.  Boys born 2015-2017, with extensive experience playing soccer and well developed skills are encouraged to register for this team.  The registration cost of $200 includes the cost of playing in the Eau Claire United Invitational tournament in Eau Claire, WI, on June 6-8.  

Game play is managed differently in Classic Soccer than Recreational Soccer.  Coaches manage players and playtime with the goal of winning each game and not fielding each player equally.  League standings are maintained throughout the season.   

A limited number of players can be on the roster.  Tryouts may be necessary to determine the final roster.  Any players cut during the tryout process will be guaranteed a position on a recreational team and refunded the difference in registration fees.  

Rostered players are expected to participate in the overwhelming majority of practices and ALL games throughout the season (injury and illness are permissible exceptions).  DO NOT register for Classic Soccer if you have known conflicts with the game schedule (see the Season at a Glance above).

Twice-a-week practices will start the week of April 1st on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Coaches may hold additional practices at their discretion.  

The game days and locations will become finalized before the season begins when the Northwest Classic league releases the game schedule.  ALL GAMES require traveling to other clubs up to 1-3 hours away from Baldwin.  There are no home games.  Two games will be played each Saturday throughout the season.


Age Groups

Age Groups


2010-12    U15 (Boys & Girls)

2013-14     U12 (Boys & Girls)

2015-16     U10 (Boys & Girls)

2017-18     U8 (Boys & Girls)

2019-21    U6 (Boys & Girls)




Registration Now Open

Registration questions? 

E-mail the Registrar!